
China has the largest resource of rare earth elements(REE) in the world, the reserve of REE in China takes up over 40% of the world reserve. The resources of rare earth elements in China are mainly divided into four types of deposits which consist of 95% total REE resources of China. They are the Bayan Obo REE−Fe−Nb Ore Deposit in Inner Mongolia, the Mianning REE Ore Deposit in Sichuan Province, the Weishan REE Ore Deposit in Shandong Province and the Weathered Crust Elution−Deposited Rare Earth Ore (The Ion Adsorption Type Rare Earth Ore) mainly in Jianxi Province, but also distributed in Guandong, Fujian and Guanxi Provinces.
The Bayan Obo REE−Fe−Nb Ore Deposit
The Bayan Obo REE‐Nb‐Fe deposit is situated in Inner Mongolia on the northern edge of the North China Kraton, 135 km northwest of Baotou (110°E, 41°47′N). It is a giant polymetallic rare earth element (REE)‐Fe‐Nb ore deposit of hydrothermal origin. It was first discovered as a Fe deposit by Prof. Ding Daoheng in 1927. The estimated total reserves of Fe (average grade Fe 35 wt%), Nb (average grade of 0.13 wt%) and REE (average grade REO 6 wt%) are 1.5 Bt, 27 Mt and 48 Mt respectvely. It is the world’s largest known REE ore deposit. A high percentages of the three main light rare earth elements La, Ce and Nd are found in Bayan Obo REE−Fe−Nb Ore Deposit, Sichuan Mianning REE Ore Deposit and Shandong Weishan REE Ore Deposits. The ore composition in the Bayan Obo is very complex, 71 elements and 170 minerals are found, one element could exist in several or more than ten different minerals, mineral symbiosis relationship is close and complicated, and dissemination size is fine. More than 90% rare earth elements in ore exist in independent minerals, and about 4% ~ 7% of REE are dispersed in iron minerals and fluorite. A total of 15 kinds of rare earth minerals are found, but the principal ones are bastnaesite [(Ce,La,Nd)(CO3)F] and monazite [(Ce,La,Nd)PO4] with the ratio of 7:3 or 6:4, whereas magnetite and hematite are the dominant Fe‐ore minerals.
Several kinds of niobium minerals are contained in the ore such as columbite (FeNb2O), aeschynite ((Y,Ca,Fe)(Ti,Nb)2(O,OH)6) and fersmite ((Ca,Ce,Na)(Nb,Ta,Ti)2(O,OH,F)6). The main gangue minerals are quartz, apatite, dolomite and fluorite . These minerals consist of both primary and secondary metamorphic minerals of the host rocks and the epigenetic ore and gangue minerals introduced by hydrothermal solutions.
Most of the Bayan Obo minerals, particularly in the banded ore, are very fine to extremely fine-grained. Most Fe−REE−Nb minerals are closely associated with fine grain sizes. The grain sizes of REE minerals are in the range of 0.01 – 0.074 mm and the amount of less than 0.04 mm is 70% ~ 80%.
Beneficiation techniques
Compared with domestic and abroad single bastnaesite ores, the Bayan Obo ores are much more difficult to upgrade due to its similar physical and chemical properties with iron minerals and gangue minerals. A lot of experimental studies by many research institutes in China on the rational exploitation of the Bayan Obo REE deposits had been conducted since the late 1950s and more than 20 beneficiation techniques have been reported.
A significant progress on REE minerals processing had been made in the early 1990s and the mixed and separate REE concentrates with high‐grade and high recovery were obtained from the iron ores. The flowsheet of low-intensity magnetic separation (LIMS) – high intensity magnetic separation (HIMS) – flotation was considered the most successful one to be used in industrial plants which were developed by Changsha Metallurgical Research Institute in 1990.
After crushing the ore is ground to 90 – 95% passing 0.074 mm. By LIMS (rougher and cleaner) magnetite is recovered in the LIMS concentrate. The tailings of LIMS is processed through HIMS rougher at the magnetic field strength of 1.4T to recover another Fe mineral, hematite, and most REE minerals. Hematite and REE minerals contained in the HIMS rougher concentrate are separated by HIMS cleaner at the magnetic field strength of 0.6T. Combined LIMS and HIMS concentrate reported to the Fe reverse flotation to get the final Fe concentrate and the HIMS cleaner tailings containing most REE minerals is processed by flotation to get REE concentrates. At the REE flotation circuit, the feed grade of REO is 9.78−12% (HIMS cleaner tailings). The flotation is performed at low alkaline condition (pH 9) and the flotation reagents contained naphthyl hydroxamic acid as the collector of REE minerals, sodium silicate as the depressant of silicates and J10 asthe frother.  The feed solids are 35‐45% wt. One stage of rougher flotation, plus one scavenger flotation and two cleaner flotation stages produced an REO concentrate at a grade of 55% and a secondary REO concentrate at a grade of 34% with the combined recovery of 72−75%. However, these concentrates are a mixture of REE minerals mainly bastnaesite and monazite. The separation of bastnaesite and monazite has been reached by further flotation using phtalic acid or benzoic acid as the collector of bastnaesite and alum as the depressant of monazite. Different flotation reagents had been tested. A good result of up to 60% REO flotation concentrate was obtained by processing the previous concentrate of REO 25% ~ 30% from the gravity separation concentrator when the major adjustments of the compatible depressants were made. In 1976, the plant test was successful, and commercial production began in 1978. By application of the reagents system, the rare earth concentrate of REO> 60%, flotation recoveries of 60% to 65% were obtained. Since then, high‐ grade commercial rare earth concentrates were produced.
Because the selectivity of cyclic alkyl hydroxamic acid and alkyl hydroxamic acids was found poor the collector of H205, as the representative of aromatic hydroxamic acid, was successfully developed in 1986 by using naphthalene as raw material through sulfonated ‐ hydrolysis‐alkali fusion hydroxylation for preparation of intermediates naphthol, and then acylation reaction and condensation system with hydroxylamine (‐NH‐OH), to make naphthyl isobutyl group hydroxamic acid. The rare earth grade and recovery could significantly be improved by using the new generation of rare earth mineral collector H205 with only water glass and the activator sodium fluoride in the the flotation process was not needed. After the 1990s, a hydroxamic acid with dual activating group improved from H205, has been used in the Bayan Obo rare earth plant as a collector.
By the end of 2012, the Bayan Obo rare earth flotation concentrator had been developed into an annual output of 250,000 t of REE concentrates (contained 50% REO).
The Sichuan Mianning REE Deposit
The Sichuan Mianning REE Ore Deposit was found between 1985–1986. It is an alkaline pegmatite carbonate type rare earth deposit. The average grade is 3.7% REO. It is rich in light REE and heavy REE. Bastnaesite is the main rare earth mineral and chevkinite and parisite are found in the ore. Other associated minerals are barite (BaSO4), fluorite (CaF2), iron and manganese minerals and a small amount of galena. The ore is divided into granule and powder types. The granule ore has coarse grain size usually >1 mm. The grain size of bastnaesite is between 1 to 5 mm. The powder ore is the weathered product of the original ore and takes up about 20% of total ore weight. The grade is about REO 3−7% and the grain size is 80% passing 325 mesh.
Beneficiation techniques
Three types of flowsheets are industrially used: the gravity concentration flowsheet, the magnetic – gravity concentration flowsheet and the gravity – flotation flowsheet. The coexistence of massive and powdered black sludge, Fe‐Mn weathered amorphous aggregates slime, greatly influences the floatability of the REE minerals.
The ore is ground to 62% passing 200 mesh and hydro classified into the four size fractions. The shaking tables are used to process the fractions separately. Three different grade bastnaesite concentrates are obtained with the grades of 30%, 50% and 60%. The overall recovery iss 75%.
After grinding the ore is concentrated by LIMS and HIMS separation and a magnetic concentrate with the grade of 5.64% is obtained. The recovery of magnetic circuit is 74.2% and yield 42%.
Then the magnetic concentrate is classified into four size fractions and processed separately by shaking tables. The final concentrate with the grade of REO 52.3% is obtained. The overall recovery of RE is around 55%.
The ore is primarily ground to 50% passing 200 mesh and hydro classified into four size fractions. The classified fractions are concentrated by the shaking tablesseparately. The grade of overall gravity concentrate is REO 30% with the RE recovery of 74.5%. The gravity concentrate is reground to 70% passing 200 mesh for flotation. C5−9 hydroximic acid (H205) and phthalate in the ratio of 1:1, sodium carbonate, sodium silicate are used as the flotation reagents at pH 8‐9. By one rougher, one cleaner and one scavenger flotation the concentrate with the grade of REO 50−60% is acquired at a RE recovery of 50−60%.
The Shandong Weishan REE Deposit
The ore deposit was first found in 1958 and the exploration was completed in 1975. The average grade is 3.13%.  It is a quartz−barite−carbonate type RE ore deposit. The main RE minerals are bastnaesite and parisite and the main associated minerals are barite, calcite, quartz and fluorite etc. The grain sizes of RE minerals are coarse in the range of 0.04−0.5 mm.
Beneficiation techniques
The Weishan REE flotation plant was built in 1982. The ore was ground to 65−75% passing 200 mesh and REE minerals were floated with once rougher, three scavengers and three cleaners. In 1980s oleic acid and kerosene were used as the collectors of RE minerals at acidic condition of pH5 using sulfuric acid. After 1991 when the ore grade dropped to 3‐4%, a specific collector with formula C6H4OHCONHOH was used with the addition of sodium silicate and frother L101. The flotation was run at the weak alkaline condition of pH 8−8.5. The RE concentrate with a grade of REO >60% at the recovery of 60−70% was obtained. A secondary RE concentrate with the grade of REO 32% at a recovery of 10−15% was acquired. According to market demand, REE concentrate with the grade of 45~50% REO at the recovery of 80~85% has been produced and barite has also been recovered by flotation from REE flotation tailings.
The Weathered Crust Elution‐deposited REE Ore (The Ion Adsorption REE Deposit)
China’s weathered crust elution−deposit rare earth ore or ion adsorption rare earth ore is unique in the world. It was found in 1969 in Jianxi Province containing two types, a light REE type and a heavy REE type, and was also found in other provinces Fujian, Hunan, Guandong and Guanxi. The deposit is considered to form by many years weathering of granite and extrusive rocks. It has the characteristics of shallow ore body coverage, soft ore and very fine grain size. The 80%−90% REE in the state of positive hydrated ions are adsorbed on the surface of clay minerals such as kaolinite, halloysite and illite. The ore is relatively low‐grade, generally only 0.05% to 0.5% REO, with high heavy REE.
Extraction Techniques
Because the REE in the ore mainly occur in the state of hydrated ions adsorbing on the surface of clay minerals they can’t be effectively concentrated by conventionally physical methods but are extracted by the ion−exchange method. The adsorbed REE ions are not dissolved in water or ethyl alcohol but they are dissolved in the electrolyte solutions of NaCl, (NH4)2SO4 and NH4Cl by ion–exchange. Over 80% of REE are ion exchangeable. In the 1970s as a major extraction method NaCl was used as the leaching solvent to dissolve REE by ion exchange. But high solvent concentration and long leaching time were required. And the solvent consumption and processing cost were high. Meanwhile, the grade of RE concentrate can only reach 70% REO. Since 1980 (NH4)2SO4 has been used to replace NaCl as the solvent. A high grade (REO 92%) of RE concentrate has been achieved.  The process is usually run in a cement bath with a volume of about 10−20 m3. When the bath is filled with the ore to the height of about 1.5 m the solvent of (NH4)2SO4 solution with the concentration of 1−4% is poured through the ore for leaching. The pregnant solvent is obtained at the bottom of the bath. Oxalic acid is used as the precipitant to get the mid product of oxalic acid−rare earths and further processed by burning to get final rare earths product (>REO 92%). Ammonium bicarbonate also has been used as a competitive precipitant. The in‐situ leaching process also called the solution mining was studied from the 1980s to resolve the ecological environmental problems in the exploitation by the bath leaching technology. The wells are drilled in the natural orebody and the leaching reagent is injected. REE ions were selectively leached. Collected leachate is precipitated by the solution of oxalic acid or ammonium bicarbonate to obtain rare earth oxide products. The water is recycled. It was reported that two key technical problems must be solved during the in‐situ leaching process. One is how to avoid the leaching reagent solution spreading around the wells to cause environmental pollution and the other is how to recover the leachate so as optimize the leaching rate. The technology has been utilized in Wenfeng, Jiangxi province. More than 200 t of REE are extracted annually at the REE recovery of 70%.

Baotou Iron and Steel and Rare Earth Company is the owner and operator of Bayan Obo.. HEFA Rare Earth Canada Co. Ltd. sells rare earth products directly from Its parent company, Baotou HEFA Rare Earth in China.