The Mountain Pass mine is located near the border of the states California and Nevada in the United States. Geologically, Mountain Pass is a carbonatite deposit with six different bastnasite minerals of relevance (Molycorp Inc., 2012). This deposit is a former uranium mine, and produced REE until August 2015 (Molycorp Inc., 2012). Since then, Molycorp stopped all activities and shut down the mine due to financial struggles (Jamasmie, 2015). The proven reserves amount to 156,000 tonnes with 8.45 wt-% TREO and the probable reserves are estimated as 18,267,000 tonnes with 7.48 wt-% TREO (Molycorp Inc., 2012). Mountain Pass contains 99 wt-% LREE and only 1 wt-% HREE (Molycorp Inc., 2012). In 2014, Mountain Pass produced 4,785 tonnes of REO (Molycorp Inc., 2015). Bastnaesite (or bastnäsite), a rare earth fluorocarbonate mineral, was mined as a primary product at Mountain Pass which was restarted in the first quarter of 2018 after being put on care-and-maintenance status in the fourth quarter of 2015.
Monazite, a phosphate mineral also may have been produced as a separated concentrate or included as an accessory mineral in heavy-mineral concentrates. The estimated value of rare-earth compounds and metals imported by the United States in 2018 was $160 million, an increase from $137 million in 2017. The estimated distribution of rare earths by end use was as follows: catalysts, 60%; ceramics and glass, 15%; metallurgical applications and alloys, 10%; polishing, 10%; and other, 5%.

Rare Element Resources owns the Bear Lodge Project in Wyoming USA, which has key critical rare earths, as well as an estimated 40+ year mine life. The company states they have "unique and proprietary RE recovery/processing technology."Their resource size is 18mt @ 3.05% total rare earth oxide for 498 m kgs of contained total rare earth oxide. The latest news from the Company came on February 12 2019 when the company announced: "Rare Element Resources reports successful confirmation and enhancement of its proprietary separation technology."